Why designing for introverts is better for everyone.

You can gather well even if you weren’t the star of your high school theater production. Quieter super hosts tend to rely on design rather than, say, the force of their personality to create artful gatherings. And you can, too.


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5 ways to gather without breaking the bank
Admin with Priya Parker Admin with Priya Parker

5 ways to gather without breaking the bank

The artful gatherer is more focused on meaning than money, on crafting connection than celebrating consumption. And one of the wonderful things about meaning is that while it’s not cheap, it is free.

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The Art of Gathering Newsletter

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Transform how you spend your time together.


Plan with purpose for any occasion

Unlock new and creative ways to transform your next event. Rethink the traditional ways we come together and understand how to infuse meaning and connection when planning for any occasion.


Improve your virtual meetings

Design an effective and enjoyable virtual meeting. Seven simple ways you might inject connection and meaning into workplace meetings when you’re physically apart but virtually together.


Start your artful gathering practice

Unlock the artful gatherer within. The Art of Gathering Digital Course helps you learn the concrete skills to help you design a future gathering that is important to you at home, work, and in your communities.